Growing up with my grandmother, Eliza, my siblings and I were taught to rework old linens into something new for the home plus gifts for family and friends. We would spend hours cleaning, sorting and storing old family linens for when needed. As a young adult, I caught the bug and would spend many a day meandering through antique shops all over London sourcing linens, lace and other antique and vintage textiles. With list and budget in place, I would set off early in the hope that I would beat the crowds. Never did - I guess others had the same idea. Camden Passage, Islington was a particular favourite. Once there, a maze of lanes would unfold packed to burstingwith shops and street traders selling their treasures. The experience was akin to a child in a candy store for the first time - pure bliss! Occasionally, I would find a shop that would be overflowing with the most breathtaking textiles from bygone eras - each piece telling a different story. I fell in love with the French monogrammed linens, the English floral white on white embroidered table cloths, colourful applique's and cross stitch pieces and, equally, the plain crisp linens that lent an air of subtle sophistication. My love of linens and textiles led me to a career in design; fashion as well as home furnishings, accessories and gifts. This is a passion and we all know that a true passion lasts a lifetime - Go Green Buy Vintage.
Jo Parker Farmer
Eliza Interiors & Design
Antique and Vintage Home Furnishings, Accessories and Gifts
(+1) 972 400 0521
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